Indian Sandstone, cherished for its natural beauty and durability, is prominent in landscaping and paving projects. To navigate its pricing landscape effectively, it's crucial to delve into various factors that influence its costs.

Understanding Indian Sandstone

Quality Grades:

Premium Select Grade:

  • Uniformity: This grade offers a remarkable consistency in colour, texture, and thickness across the entire batch. It's highly sought after for projects requiring a refined, polished look.
  • Higher Pricing: Due to its superior consistency and premium appearance, Premium Select commands a higher price than other grades.

Utility Grade:

  • Character and Variation: Utility Grade sandstone might exhibit more colour, texture, and thickness variations. These variations can add a distinctive charm to the finished project, providing a more rustic or natural appearance.
  • Installation Considerations: While the variation adds character, it might require more attention during installation to ensure a balanced and aesthetically pleasing arrangement.

Colour and Texture Variations:

Colour Range:

  • Diversity: Indian Sandstone showcases a wide spectrum of colours, including warm buffs, earthy browns, subtle greys, and occasional hints of red or pink. Each hue offers a unique ambience to outdoor spaces.
  • Impact on Pricing: Certain colours might be more readily available or require specific quarrying techniques, influencing their pricing. Rarer or more exotic colours can command higher prices.

Texture Spectrum:

  • Smooth to Riven Surfaces: The texture of Indian Sandstone can vary from smooth to riven surfaces, providing different tactile and visual experiences.
  • Aesthetic Impact: While smooth surfaces offer a sleek, contemporary appearance, riven surfaces imbue a natural, textured look. The choice often impacts the overall aesthetic appeal of the project.

Size and Thickness:

Slab Sizes:

  • Varied Dimensions: Indian Sandstone slabs come in various dimensions, catering to different design requirements. These can range from smaller, more manageable sizes to larger slabs suitable for expansive areas.
  • Pricing Considerations: Larger slabs might be more expensive due to increased material costs and the potential for more wastage during cutting.

Thickness Consideration:

  • Thicker Slabs: Thicker sandstone slabs offer greater durability and can withstand heavier foot traffic or vehicular loads in specific applications.
  • Transportation Costs: However, thicker slabs are heavier, leading to higher transportation expenses, especially if being shipped over longer distances.

Understanding these nuances allows buyers to make informed decisions when selecting Indian Sandstone for their projects. Factors like grade preferences, colour and texture choices, as well as slab dimensions and thickness, play pivotal roles not only in the aesthetic outcome but also in the overall cost considerations.

Factors Affecting Costs

Sourcing and Transportation:

Proximity to Quarry:

  • Local Varieties: Sandstone sourced closer to the project site generally reduces transportation costs significantly. It's often more accessible and cost-effective due to shorter travel distances.
  • Cost Efficiency: Local varieties can offer competitive pricing as they eliminate extensive shipping expenses, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious projects.

Imported Options:

  • Higher Costs: Sandstone imported from distant quarries incurs substantial shipping and handling fees, contributing to increased overall expenses.
  • Unique Varieties: Imported options might offer unique colour ranges or specialized finishes not readily available in local varieties, albeit at a higher price point.

Finishing and Processing:

Finish Types:

  • Natural Finish: Sandstone in its natural state is typically more budget-friendly compared to processed finishes. This finish retains the stone's original texture and appearance.
  • Honed or Polished Finishes: Finishes like honed or polished surfaces involve additional processing, which escalates the overall cost due to the labour and materials involved.

Surface Treatments:

  • Sealing and Enhancements: Applying sealants or specialized enhancing treatments can elevate the stone's appearance and durability but adds to the project's expenses due to the cost of materials and application labour.

labour and Installation:

labour Costs:

  • Skill Requirements: Professional installation involves skilled labour, and the complexity of the project directly impacts labour costs.
  • Elaborate Designs: Intricate patterns or detailed designs necessitate more time and expertise, potentially increasing the overall installation expenses.

DIY vs. Professional Installation:

  • DIY Approach: While opting for a do-it-yourself installation can save on labour costs, it requires adequate knowledge, tools, and time. Improper installation might lead to additional expenses for repairs or adjustments later on.
  • Professional Expertise: Engaging experienced installers ensures a seamless and well-executed project but at a higher upfront cost due to labour charges.

Understanding these factors is crucial when planning an Indian Sandstone project. Local sourcing can provide cost-efficient options, while the choice of finish and surface treatments adds a layer of customization with a corresponding impact on pricing. Additionally, labour costs, whether through professional services or DIY efforts, significantly contribute to the overall expenses of the project.


Budget-Friendly Options

Grade Selection:

Standard or Patio Grade:

  • Balanced Quality and Cost: Mid-range grades like Standard or Patio Grade offer a good balance between quality and affordability. They provide decent consistency while being more budget-friendly compared to premium grades.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: These grades might exhibit slight variations, adding character to the project without compromising overall aesthetics.

Local Sourcing:

Transportation Cost Reduction:

  • Mitigating Transportation Expenses: Choosing sandstone sourced closer to the project site significantly reduces transportation costs. This not only cuts down on financial expenses but also minimizes environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions from long-haul transportation.

Supporting Local Economy:

  • Community Impact: Opting for locally sourced materials can contribute to the local economy, supporting regional businesses and quarries.

DIY Installation:

Cost-Saving Opportunity:

  • Reduced labour Costs: Undertaking the installation personally can result in substantial savings on labour expenses. This is particularly advantageous for those comfortable with the process and possessing the necessary skills.

Precautions and Considerations:

  • Meticulous Planning: DIY installation demands thorough planning, including accurate measurements and preparation of the base.
  • Adherence to Safety Measures: Ensuring safety protocols are followed during handling and installation to prevent accidents or injuries.
  • Understanding the Process: A good understanding of the installation procedure and using appropriate tools are essential for a successful DIY project.

Additional Considerations:

Expert Consultation:

  • Seeking Guidance: Even for DIY projects, consulting with professionals or accessing instructional resources can provide valuable insights and guidance, ensuring a smoother installation process.

Trial and Practice:

  • Start Small: For those new to DIY installations, starting with smaller or less complex areas can serve as practice before tackling larger sections.

Making informed decisions about grade selection, sourcing options, and installation approaches empowers individuals undertaking Indian Sandstone projects. Whether opting for mid-range grades, choosing local varieties, or considering a DIY approach, each decision influences the overall cost and outcome of the project.


Step-by-Step Guide to Installation


  • Accurate measurement and marking of the area to be paved.
  • Clearing the area of debris and vegetation.
  • Creating a stable and well-compacted base with suitable materials for effective drainage.


  • Laying the sandstone slabs as per the desired pattern, ensuring proper alignment and spacing.
  • Using a rubber mallet to gently tap the slabs into position, maintaining uniformity.

Jointing and Finishing:

  • Filling the gaps between slabs with suitable jointing compounds or mortar.
  • Clean the surface thoroughly to remove excess debris and apply a sealant if required to protect the sandstone.


Mastering the intricacies of Indian Sandstone pricing empowers individuals to make informed choices aligned with their preferences and budgets. By factoring in quality grades, colour and texture variations, size options, finishing preferences, and installation considerations, buyers can confidently embark on their projects.

To explore a diverse range of Indian Sandstone paving options catering to various tastes and budgets, visit LSD's Indian Stone Paving collection.

Indian Sandstone, with its timeless allure and durability, continues to captivate enthusiasts in landscaping and paving endeavours. Understanding the facets influencing its pricing and exploring budget-friendly avenues enables individuals to transform outdoor spaces with elegance and cost-effectiveness.